PurePulse now also for vegetable juice, soup and sauce

22 February 2016
Longer shelf life without heating or loss of taste.
PurePulse, the technology of the young tech-company CoolWave Processing, has had an upgrade. This makes it possible to also increase the shelf life of highly conductive products like vegetable juices, soups and sauces with PurePulse, without a loss of taste, color or nutritional value.
PurePulse is a modern conservation method, which generates short electric fields that kill bacteria in the food, which cause premature decay. Thus a shelf life is achieved comparable to that of heat-pasteurized products. After treatment a product can be kept for a couple of weeks when refrigerated. Because of the short pulses, the product itself is hardly heated, preserving quality, taste and color. The products therefore taste the same before and after the treatment.
Until recently, PurePulse was mainly suitable for fruit juices. Because vegetable juices, soups and sauces (but also milk) contain relatively a lot of minerals, they have a high electric conductivity, making it very difficult to use the technology of PurePulse on these products for mild conservation – until now. By adjusting the technique, also the shelf life of soups, sauces and vegetable juices can be increased with PurePulse.
For vegetable processors, juice producers and manufacturers of soups and sauces this upgrade of PurePulse is an important development, as it allows for a better taste and higher quality.

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Andalusia, Guest Region at Fruit Attraction 2024

26 September 2024
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Blue Whale® takes to Fruit Attraction its commitment to the consumer

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The avocado will be the star product at Fruit Attraction

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