Biobest i PATS zapewniają dostęp do ochrony upraw w oparciu o dane

12 maj 2022
Thanks to a powerful alliance with technology company PATS, Biobest's extensive portfolio of IPM solutions has gained a scouting tool. From May 16, growers can take advantage of PATS-C, a system that detects real-time flying pests, such as moths, in the greenhouse. This data allows earlier and more accurate introduction of biological agents.“To measure is to know,” says Sam Gui, Market Development Manager High Tech IPM at Biobest.  “The plug and play cameras from PATS provide information about when, where and how much moths are active in the greenhouse. It is completely automatic, requiring no staff, and can often provide data before the pests are detected visually – saving the growers time in theirscouting programme.” 

“Biobest is a strong believer of data-driven cultivation and the numerous benefits it will create for the growers. This new partnership with PATS will proof a golden combination. With this data, our advisors can provide even better tailored advice, making the IPM programme more robust while further reducing the use of corrective agents. Delivering benefits to several parties, growers can reduce their use of products, making their crop protection programme more efficient, while consumers get products with as little residue as possible." 

Intelligent scouting

“By including PATS cameras in Biobest's product range, this smart scouting tool will quickly become accessible to growersworldwide,” says Bram Tijmons, CEO & co-founder of PATS.He emphasises that this is a 'smart' system. "PATS-C continuously records the presence and population built-up of moths. This allows the grower to monitor more accurately and time the introduction of biological agents better. The system brings the scouting data to the grower in a form of a dashboard at his fingertips for him to consult the situation in his greenhouse anytime anywhere. With this technology, we also learn more about the behaviour of the pests, such as which hours they are active. This can then be used to improve timing on the day of application itself."

Present at HortiContact

Both Biobest and PATS Indoor Drone Solutions will be present at HortiContact 2022. 

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