International Banana Convention 2020 goes online for first time

12 wrzesień 2020
New and existing challenges faced by the global banana industry will be the overarching theme addressed by the XVII International Banana Convention 2020, which is being organised by the Association of Ecuadorian Banana Exporters (AEBE) in a virtual format for the first time this year on 5-8 October

Next month’s event, titled ‘Banana Time’, features a comprehensive digital agenda that aims to strengthen the production capacities of banana growers and exporters worldwide in order to improve the overall competitiveness of the global banana industry. The four-day online convention is open to all those involved in the international banana supply chain; from producers and exporters to buyers, consultants, packaging and logistics operators.

Participants will have unlimited access to online conference sessions with international speakers, exchanges of global experiences, a virtual exhibition and digital business matchmaking roundtables to discuss, learn and collaborate at a time when innovation and cooperation are of utmost importance. 

Topics will cover: financing investment for sustainable development, smart technologies, Blockchain strategies, responding to the coronavirus (Covid-19) health emergency, plans and prospects for commercial investment, plus international trade developments, among others.

Sponsors include some of the world’s leading banana suppliers, packers and shippers, including: CMA CGM, Dole, Don Carlos, DP World, Grupasa, Maersk, Kuehne & Nagel, Reybanpac, and many more.

Marianella Ubilla, President of AEBE, explains: “As we reinvent ourselves as an Association, we have built an event of international importance that responds to the current needs of producers, exporters, and suppliers. This meeting will allow us to exchange views with global markets. Ecuador is the largest banana exporter in the world due to its high-quality standards. For this reason, we want to strengthen the development of a sustainable production chain that allows us to open more opportunities for everyone, and for the benefit of our national economy.”

José Antonio Hidalgo, Executive Director of AEBE, adds: “Our objective is to develop a greater international market for bananas. To achieve this, structural improvements must be implemented within the production processes on the farms; we must promote greater agility in procedures, and generate sources of financing. Every day we face great challenges, therefore as an industry we must respond with resilience and unity. The XVII International Banana Convention 2020 will make it possible to capitalise on national and international experiences that promote the construction of a long-term sustainable vision.”
Verónica Chavez, Vice Minister for Export and Investment Promotion at PRO ECUADOR, comments: “Bananas are our first export product, and, for this reason, PRO ECUADOR is co-organising with AEBE a virtual B2B event as part of the International Banana Convention 2020. Our Trade Offices around the world will confirm the participation of 15 banana buyers for this online B2B event. Among the invited countries are China, Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, Korea, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Chile, among others. During this year, PRO ECUADOR has co-organised around 10 online trade promotion events with private entities to support Ecuadorian exporters from different sectors. In the following months, we will organise more online events."

‘Banana Time’, the XVII International Banana Convention 2020, will bring together the main national and international players from throughout the global banana industry. 

To participate in the event, a secure and reliable platform has been created where participants can complete the registration and payment process online in order to obtain their access credentials. Download the programme here.

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