21Food Online Expo, trzecia sesja (Azja), uroczyste otwarcie 1 marca

1 marzec 2021
In order to promote the corporate brand image, expand the global food foreign trade market, and obtain orders, the 21Food Online Expo, the 3rd session   (Asia) hosted by 21Food and Topservice Exhibition was opened on March 1st, Beijing time, 11 o'clock.
From March 1st to March 5th, domestic and foreign high-quality food and food ingredient companies gathered here to experience the new exhibition mode such as online booths, live video broadcasts, and new product releases brought about by technological empowerment.

This exhibition contains 2 themed trade halls, bringing together exhibitors from all over the world. Many of them have participated in FOE consecutively, which is a great affirmation of the FOE effect.

International exhibitors

ProPlan Industrial Co. Ltd.(Thailand)

We at ProPlan Industrial has been in the business from 2007. All our products are shelf-stable and are at their best for at least 18 months. Our range of Curry pastes and Asian cooking sauces are able to transport dishes to flavors straight out of the vibrant and aromatic streets of Thailand, Asia, and the world. Our Ready-to-eat vegetarian line promotes good health especially this season, and our Ready-to-cook noodles and sauce are both practical and authentically flavorful.


The Nam Viet Foods & Beverage Co., LTD is 100% Vietnamese owned with 25 years of experience in the beverage field for local markets and the processing of goods for exporting companies in Vietnam. In the second quarter of 2016 the owner of Nam Viet F&B decided to expand to markets worldwide and rapidly conquer the trust of our clients from the first order through quality control, fast delivery and most importantly our main goal to service client accounts after sale and client satisfaction.

Chinese Exhibitors

KUNSHAN KINGLAI、Zhenjiang Heng Goodwill、GUANGZHOU FLOWER、YANTAI HUAHAI、Guangdong Kelong、Shenzhen Jiuda、Shandong Jianyuan、 Xinghua Oli、NANTONG DINGBUR、FUJIAN XAIN YANG YANG、Henan Tianmimi……

The registration of global buyers is hot! It is estimated that there will be 12,000 professional buyers, through the digital platform to negotiating, docking, and matching.

For more information, pls click the links:
For computer: https://expo.21food.com
For mobile: https://wap.21food.com/online/international/
Original link :https://www.21food.com/news/detail75627.html

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