Fruit Attraction 2021 - znacznie więcej niż zjazd branżowy na miejscu

27 marzec 2021
The application period is open for participation in Fruit Attraction 2021, which will be held in person from 5 to 7 October in Madrid. The three-day industry reunion will once again make the fair the world epicentre of fresh product marketing, where innovation, quality and diversity are the core mantras of operators and retailers from all over the world when planning their campaigns at a key time like early October. Starting in April an entire investment and action plan is put in motion to guarantee the presence of the major demand groups from all over Europe and third countries, including the biggest International Guest Programme in the history of Fruit Attraction.

Alongside the physical gathering, the fair will bring the entire fruit and vegetable community together year-round with Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect platform, a digital tool that enhances and complements the on-site event with new features to enhance both initiatives. This ensure that Fruit Attraction, organised by IFEMA and FEPEX, will be much more than just the face-to-face industry reunion. The fair is presenting a new hybrid value proposal that enhances on-site efficiency through technology: 

With an optimistic European health scenario after the summer, the time has come for fruit and vegetable suppliers and marketers from all over the world to meet again at Fruit Attraction 2021, with operators and retailers under the same roof in a safe work environment filled with commercial opportunity, to showcase all the innovation and evaluate the news and trends of the global fruit and vegetable market and its entire value chain.
Fruit Attraction has established itself in the right place at the right time for companies and their commercial staff and products to achieve world industry leadership. Three days to consolidate and open export markets; hold face-to-face meetings with the world's main operators and retailers; generate and raise sales opportunities on a massive scale; build loyalty and centralise meetings with regular customers; expand and enhance personal networking. It is the space to enhance brand positioning and awareness of new products, to show and exhibit products, formats and services on site, and to be part of the relationship between suppliers, operators and retailers from all over the world.

Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect
Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect is the perfect, recommended complement for enhancing visibility and generating business leads anywhere in the world. The digital platform that is becoming the number one professional community and social network in the world for the entire fruit and vegetable sector value chain. A digital ecosystem that combines an exhibition area, a products and services marketplace, a professional contact network, networking and business opportunities, on-line b2b, chat, e-calls, and a permanent programme of conferences, forums and debates on international markets and categories of products and services. Throughout the year Fruit Attraction LIVEConnect will be the space that will bring together the main international players in the market, organising conferences and commercial events by product category, market segment, internationalisation, ...

IFEMA, a safe space
IFEMA has developed an entire protocol to guarantee a safe, reliable and comfortable work environment. The convention premises have all necessary measures to organise the flow of visitors and their mobility: capacity control, social distancing, reducing the risk of direct contact by using digital registration, taking body temperature, broadening aisles, and taking advantage of new technologies to count visitors, as well as ensuring effective air renewal in halls, among other innovations in this area.

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