Three days of “Source, learn, connect”, Fi Europe & Ni starts on 3 December

17 listopad 2019

In 21 days, Fi Europe & Ni will open its doors in Paris for the 33rd time. In addition to the innovations of approximately 1,700 exhibitors, a free to attend lecture programme will offer targeted information on new ingredients, technologies, challenges and trends in the industry. A special discounted price applies for registrations before 25 November.

This year's Fi Europe & Ni again promises to unite the world of ingredients across more than 80,000 sqm: Organizer Fi Global expects 27,000+ visitors in halls 6 and 7 of the Parc des Expositions in Paris Nord, Villepinte. As always, this year's exhibition concept will enable trade visitors to quickly find relevant business partners, network and further their industry knowledge.

Source – the right ingredient for every requirement
Sixteen country pavilions from Belgium to the USA, as well as numerous themed pavilions such as "Natural Ingredients", "Expo FoodTec", "Free From", "Organic" and "New Exhibitors", are the ideal starting point for finding the right contacts and exhibitors in the appropriate area. A new feature this year is the Startup Lounge, where all shortlisted companies in the Startup Innovation Challenge will present their ground-breaking ideas and products to potential new partners and clients.

Learn – comprehensive free-to-attend education opportunities
At the Industry Insights Theatre on Tuesday, December 3, a free Regulatory Spotlight will highlight new legislation and changes in food safety. On Wednesday, 4 December, the Organic Spotlight experts will provide information on the current market situation for organic products, regulatory requirements, marketing strategies and consumer trends. In the Supplier Solutions Theatre, which is also free to access, companies from all categories will present their solutions every half-hour – from plant prebiotics for the microbiome to ingredients for product concepts promoting healthy ageing. The Expo FoodTec Hub, meanwhile, is dedicated to new technologies in food processing, traceability and safety.

Connect – network and inform yourself
With the Women's Networking Breakfast on December 4 and the Food Evolution Breakfast on December 5, Fi Global has established two events that combine panel discussions with networking. Both events require advance registration. In addition, the daily Innovation Tours will enable visitors to get to know the central exhibitors focusing on the important industry trends - for example, Clean Label, "Healthy and Functional Innovations", "Innovations in Beverages" or "Plant-based Innovations" – and all in under an hour.

Fi Europe & Ni Brand Director Julien Bonvallet says: "In the 33 years since its inception, Fi Europe & Ni has become the global hub of the ingredients industry, a place where tomorrow's trends and ideas are born. Not only have representatives from the food and beverage industry long been at home at our trade show, but also manufacturers of food supplements and functional products. The fact that it will take place annually from next year and be co-located with Hi Europe is a response to the growing health and nutrition trend and shorter innovation cycles within the food and beverage industry.”

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