CIBUS 2021: W pierwszym tygodniu września

3 luty 2021
Following the monitoring the evolution of the pandemic on international scale and the involvement of all stakeholders, italian and international buyers and agrifood companies, Fiere di Parma in agreement with Federalimentare – the Italian Food & Drink Industry Federation- is confirming the dates of Cibus  2021: the show is scheduled from Tuesday August 31st to Friday September 3rd. The evaluation of the vaccine campaign and air travel bubbles for overseas professionals have been taken into account for the final decision. 

The XX edition of Cibus, the International Food Exhibition, will be the restart of the italian food industry, the first showcase for the domestic food & beverage sector. On show, new products will haul the recovery of domestic consumption and international exports for all categories:  cured meats, cheese, pasta, tomato based products, oil, bakery, beverage, grocery, frozen local specialties and more… 

The re-opening of Cibus (the 2020 edition was cancelled as a result of the pandemic) corresponds with a revival in food exports: Istat – Italian National Institute for Statistics- elaborated by Federalimentare indicate a substantial stability in 2020 (+0,1% in the first 10 months of 2020), that should evolve into significant increase in the first half of 2021. This data gives a glimpse of a large inflow of international buyers, so much so that a huge budget has been allocated to promote their incoming (travel and accommodation). The dialogue with the overseas buyers has never stopped, even during the harshest months of the pandemic, thanks to the reinforcement of the B2B platform My Business Cibus, the Cibus Lab webinars, the participation of Cibus to Food Hotel China last November and to the next Gulf Food in Dubai (February 21 -2021).

Around 3000 italian companies will attend Cibus 2021 together with the food sector main players. The show will therefore be a not to be missed occasion to analyze the great changes accelerated by the pandemic, both for production and consumption. A program of dedicated conferences will be organized in the unique and coherent frame of “Cibus Forum” pointing out the continuity with the event presented in September 2020.

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