Fresh Produce India back in Mumbai

1 grudzień 2014

India’s only international fresh fruit and vegetable conference is returning to the commercial capital on 23-25 April 2015.
Fresh Produce India, India’s premier fresh fruit and vegetable conference, is back in Mumbai next year, taking place at the Trident Nariman Point Hotel on 23-25 April 2015.
Organised by Asiafruit in association with The SCS Group, Fresh Produce India is the must-attend event for industry professionals engaged or interested in the rapidly growing Indian market.
Since launching in Hyderabad in 2007, the two-day conference event has moved around the country, shuttling between Mumbai and Delhi from 2009 to 2012 before branching out to Bangalore (2013) and Pune (2014) over the past two years.
Returning to Mumbai in 2015, Fresh Produce India is expected to attract another strong turnout of the movers and shakers in the Indian trade, as well as large numbers of international delegates.
The five-star Trident Nariman Point Hotel is located in the heart of the India’s vibrant commercial capital, which remains the hub of the country’s fresh fruit and vegetable trade.
After kicking off with a Welcome Reception on the evening of Thursday 23 April, Fresh Produce India’s conference programme gets under way on 24 April when a leading figure from India’s wider business world addresses delegates on the keys to success in this vast emerging economy.
Focus on the big issues: food retail, food safety
High-powered panel discussions are then scheduled to debate two big issues for the Indian business today. The first looks at the current status and future outlook for food retailing in India under the title ‘Who is winning in India’s retail jungle?’
While India’s food retail sector is notoriously complex to navigate, some players are beginning to make headway. The hour-long session brings together a panel of leading retailers, suppliers and industry experts to discuss the renewed impetus for modern food retailing in the country, spotlighting some of the success stories and the keys to their gains.
Food safety is an increasingly important issue for Indian consumers, government authorities, producers and export customers. In the third session – ‘Food safety first: how is India tackling the issue?’ – a panel of experts in the field looks at the changing regulatory climate domestically and internationally, and at mounting consumer consumers over food safety within India. They explain what it all means for industry stakeholders, and recommend how best to respond.
Growth opportunities: Kiwifruit & Russia
After a 90-minute Networking Lunch, Fresh Produce India resumes with sessions spotlighting two exciting potential growth areas for the Indian business.
The first is kiwifruit, a category witnessing standout sales growth in the Indian market. As well as examining the prospects for kiwifruit imports – and the introduction of new varieties – the session explores the potential to develop domestic production.
The second is Russia, a market showing even greater interest in Indian fresh fruit and vegetable imports in the wake of this year’s ban on imports from key western supplying nations. Leading buyers and experts from the Russian market explain how Indian exporters can make more of the opportunities.
The final session of Fresh Produce India focuses on Europe – looking at what’s new that the region has to offer India’s fresh fruit and vegetable business. While Europe is a long-established market and trade partner for India, there are still many untapped opportunities for trade and collaboration. From new sources of apple imports to new supply chain technologies, the wide-reaching session looks at some of the most exciting options.
Stand out at Fresh Produce India Expo
Opportunities to network with buyers, suppliers and service providers abound at Fresh Produce India. The conference brings together around 250 key decision makers from throughout the domestic and international fresh produce business, and the from every step of the value chain, providing a unique forum for networking and exchanging new ideas and information.
Delegates get ample opportunities to meet and do business in the relaxed and opulent surrounds of the Trident Nariman Point Hotel, both throughout the conference and during the lengthy networking breaks at Fresh Produce India Expo.
Fresh Produce India Expo showcases some of the latest and leading products and services for the Indian market, with exhibitors finding a direct route to their target audience.
Study tour programme
The final day of Fresh Produce India  (25 April) features a programme of organised visits to leading wholesale and retail operations in Mumbai. Delegates have the opportunity to witness first-hand some of the best examples of fresh fruit and vegetable retailing in Mumbai, and to visit the city’s bustling wholesale market.

Online registrations are now open. Book early and take advantage of the Super Early-bird Rate. Bigger savings available for groups of three or more delegates from the same company. As in previous years, India-based companies can register at an exclusive local delegate rate.

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